News Comment #1

August 26, 2020

The article I read for this week is called, “In new lawsuit, New York state adds to mounting legal pressure on Postal Service over mail-in voting” written by Lucien Bruggeman and Aaron Katersky. Basically, the state of New York, along with many other cities, are going to sue the postal service. They believe the postmaster general, along with president Trump, have violated federal statues, which in turn could affect absentee voting in the upcoming election. Therefore, the postmaster stated he would withhold his initiatives until after the election so it doesn’t seem like he is trying to affect it in any way.

I chose this article because it relates to what we have discussed in class in many different ways. First off, it can affect how people get their news. As we discussed, news is important because it notifies the public or even in communities. Some older people still rely on newspapers for their news and if the government is creating issues and slowing down the postal service, those people cannot receive the mail they need. Along with that, in the article it mentions that the postmaster is “withholding information from the panel.” If the information is need to know, the postal service shouldn’t do that, not even if the government. The government does, but the government is corrupt in many different ways.

I also liked this article because it shows how the reporters have to really be objective in this situation. They could easily input on how the postal service being slow is a tact to affect the upcoming election. Or how the postmaster could be corrupt and refusing to give the boards and committees what they need. However, the reporters tried their best to give facts and stick to what they found out, whether it is true or not. Some information reporters find could be false, which screws everything up, but in todays world, you can never really tell what is true or not.

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