A Looking Inside Morningside: Student Spotlight

0431690Paige McKern is heavily involved in campus organizations and flutters from one event to another in her busy schedule. Besides all of her positions on campus in organizations she also has an off-campus internship with the Mid America Museum of Aviation and Transportation. Plus, she has multiple jobs that fill up the rest of her time.

A typical day for Paige includes lots of meetings, classes, a quick lunch, more meetings, office hours, and work.  Besides all of her activities and busy schedule, Paige is a RA for 27 girls on her hall.

Being a RA is no easy task. At the beginning of the fall semester all RAs are required to go through an extensive training course. During that period they meet with counselors, take assault training, complete program models, CPR training, and work through problem scenarios. They meet with all the people they would need to be able to contact if someone under their watch was having problems.

It’s Paige’s job to help guide residents through their first year and enforce the rules to ensure safety. “The rules are there for a reason,” said Paige, “to keep them safe.”

Being and RA on campus for two years has given Paige the chance to develop more as a person. “Being a RA has really helped me deal with conflict,” said Paige. “It made me more of a leader.”

To Paige, the best part of being a RA is getting to know more faces around campus and the opportunity to get creative with her hall meetings and activities. With her ever-growing busy schedule, she loves that she still gets to have time to meet new people and help out her residents.

Published in: on December 1, 2014 at 1:30 PM Comments (0)

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