One might say we need stories as a way of passing on tradition and history from generation to generation. Others that get stories for news related purposes would say to stay connected with society and what is happening in the world around them. Then their might be some others that would say for entertainment purposes. I for one think that it is all of those reasons. We need stories because if they were to cease to exist then a part of our society would lose an important perspective of the world surrounding them and the history of it.

A story is a form of telling something that has happened or is happening. It can be from one person’s perspective or multiple. Their are many different ways to tell a story. It all depends on the perspective, details, narrative, and form of the story as to what shape and kind it’s going to become.They’ve advanced from the telling of the stories by word of mouth to the writing down of stories in newspapers, on the internet, and on paper. They keep our history, traditions, tragedies, and life’s greatest moment all alive and heard of. It spreads the knowledge of the news and events, keeping people informed and aware. If they didn’t exist we would never be aware of problems that need attention, what’s happening and where, or be able to expand our knowledge of ideas and information.

Stories are going to be around for a long time. They’ll change and adapt but they’ll still be stories.

3 Responses to “Why Do We Need Stories?”

  1.   fuglsang Says:

    It’s good that you’re considering multiple interpretations of events. Perspective is incredibly important to how stories ultimately turn out. Something to keep in mind when you read/study history: Who wrote it? Why? And, what did they leave out?

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