Joy turned to horror yesterday afternoon at a local wedding reception.

At around five p.m. yesterday Richard Brunson shot his bride Laurette Kenny Brunson during their wedding reception.

One of the Brunson’s neighbors, Walter Corse, describes his account of what happened.

[Walter Corse Interview: I heard the sound of the shot, or I think I did. It was kind of a pop pop pop. And then the son came out yelling she’s been shot and can’t breathe.]

The incident occurred for a rather odd reason though.

Sargent Mann of the Sioux City Police Department explains.

[Sgt. Mann Interview: It happened after she threw a plate of wedding reception macaroni salad at him.]

Mrs. Brunson was shot in the abdomen and is in satisfactory condition at Saint Luke’s Hospital.

By the time police arrived on the scene, Brunson had fled. His whereabouts are still unknown.