Orpheum Theater
Sorry for all of the light fixtures, they are my favorite
Warrior Hotel/Art Alley/Woodbury County Courthouse
Visual Ethnography
Sounds of Morningside
If you have walked to class and not heard one of these, are you sure you go here? Lawnmowers are not unique to Morningside, but sometimes they can get up close and personal if you aren’t watching. Pretty much everyone can hear them depending on where they are.
Ahhhh, the good ole air conditioner/heating unit in Dimmitt Hall. They definitely are not quiet, and some lucky tenants receive banging noises that come with them. I could not tell you how unique they are to Morningside, as I am sure many other universities have these. If you have a room here in Dimmitt, I am sure you can hear these things running.
24 Photos: Best 5
I sat in between Poppen, Roadman, and the softball field. It was a shady spot that seemed to have a lot of things surrounding it, so that is why I chose it. I like these photos because there are many buildings and trees around it that I think gives a variety about what Morningside has here.