Archive for January 21st, 2012

These two articles were about how music influences politics and how politics influences music. The first article was about the start of calypso which is an early rap/Jamaican style music. It was very political and fights often broke out after these performers did rap battles.  This article also talked about how if there was any political issue the music would attack the politics. The second article also talked about how the politics is in the music. It talked about different songs and the politics in it.

Before now I had not realized how much politics is in music. Looking back on some of the songs i have listened to through the years it is actually clear to me where the political innuendos are. It was also very interesting to learn about the earliest form of rap. I have heard of rap battles before but not of actual battles over the political issues. It is crazy that music is used so much for the purpose of politics. Everyone does listen to music so it would be an easy form to send ideas and inflections through it but i really had not thought it was big through the years. One of the questions i have is how well it actually works? Does it really sway peoples view points or is it more for just educating people so they can make there own informed decision?

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