The first part of the Cicero book was about how orating, being a good speaker, is something that puts certain men/women on top of others. He talks about how the development of speech and language has made man better then cave men. He talks about how it has progressively got better over time. The speech I listened to was “checkers” by Nixon. He is explaining things about budget of senators and his life. I think he is trying to show where the money went to that was allegedly stolen.

I think that being a good orator is an essential part of obtaining power. You can see this through history where all the leaders that could speak did the best to run the country. I think a very good movie to show this is King Speech. This movie talks about how a prince had a stutter and how it really hurt his governance ability. It is also shown in other movies that have battles. Before a big battle there is always a big speech that is said that is supposed to rouse the troops and warriors to win the battle. In running for presidency the candidates have to go around the country speaking of why they should be voted for. One of the reasons that Obama and Clinton got to become president was because they were such good orators. I think that Pastors do it every weekend to teach and also to get money for the poor and for the church.  In Nixon’s speech he is able to talk very fluently and it is understandable which gets his point across very well. If Nixon’s speech was stuttered and slurred it would not have done a very good job for him. Being a good orator is an essential thing in our society because we have to be able to talk to get a job at an interview. We also need to be able to talk to communicate with others. I think all in all, being able to orate is a major thing that people have over people who can not speak.

5 Responses to “Orating”

  1.   Cammy Says:

    I agree with you BB, we need to develop oratorical skills. It would benefit us in the long run, and do you really think that it’s all for power though? Could it be for something else? You’re so right about getting the job part, because I had a couple of interviews before to get jobs and on my first interview I bombed it so bad, but somehow I got hired.

    It’s so true about the presidential elections, our presidents were elected because they were good orators and they really know how to communicate to the people in such a way that anyone no matter what level of education can understand.

    What do you think about people who were born with defects that prevents them from speaking fluently, like what if they have a lithe or they have problems stuttering, would they be at a disadvantage? Does that prevent them from getting jobs? Does that mean they don’t have a chance in the real world?

    Like the blog!

  2.   Cammy Says:

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH… I meant to capitalize Presidents, failed… Well, if you do read this comment try to picture the word capitalized.

  3.   Jessie Says:

    I agree with you. Being a good speaker is an essential part to gaining power. Without good speeching abilities, no one would be able to rise up in the ranks, and it is why schools now focus on it so much now. Your movie comparision is also excellent. I saw it this summer and didn’t even put two and two together until now. The movie is the perfect example for this reading because shows just how important speeches can be and the impact it makes.

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  5.   soczewki Says:

    I like your idea about fear and it is the main motivating factor behind helping those who listen to the story uphold the virtues that is the story is trying to convey.