A page to be creative

Category: News and Feature Writing

Reverse Scavenger Hunt

The task of getting rid of my fruit snacks proved harder than anticipated. While I went into this project with light eyes and good intentions, I did not finish this project as hopeful as I was in the beginning.

It was a clear and sunny day at about 2:45 pm on Friday September sixth.The wind blew slightly which kept me cool while I sat on a bench outside of Lewis Hall. I chose a high traffic area in hopes that more people would see me thus resulting in me quickly getting rid of my pixar fruit snacks. I looked at the box while I opened it before I set it back inside my backpack, the outside advertised ten fruit snacks occupied the inside space but my math told me there were eleven in total. What a strange start to this experiment.

Soon enough classes started to end and I began to see people fill the sidewalk. Groups of friends walked beside each other and laughed about the funny thing their professor said. One girl walked past me with her friend crying loudly about some girl in her class that she didn’t like. I didn’t ask her if she wanted a fruit snack. In total I got seven people to take a fruit snack (four of which were my friends) and five people rejected the treat. Many of the people that took fruit snacks were excited to receive a gift and some were even excited about the pixar theme. One foreign girl was confused and asked me if it was free. When I told her it was she hesitantly took it and thanked me before walking off.

Soon the sidewalk cleared and I had nobody else to take my fruit snack offering. Disappointing. At 3:15 pm I got up and walked away.

The next day at 8:20 am I tried again to get rid of my fruit snacks. This time I was being trained for my work study with some other students and faculty. I asked six people in total this time and got rejected three times. One person who initially rejected said “Do I have to eat it right now?” I replied no and he took it. I did catch him eating it later in the day. I guess it was too early for fruit snacks. Another person I asked; Mark O’Connell said “Wow! Should I do a Cartwheel?” He did not successfully perform a cartwheel.

Assignment 1

The types of stories I like to read are mostly fiction. I like books with love stories and adventure. I appreciate many kinds of authors and many kinds of books and if you asked me what my favorite book was, I wouldn’t be able to give you an answer. Books that take me places other than my bedroom and teach me things I didn’t know before are books that I am drawn to. If I was asked what types of books I like to write I would probably give a similar answer to the type of books I like to read. I like to write stories that haven’t been written before. Stories about fairies and warlocks. The love between a werewolf and a vampire. But if I were to ever write for a career, I would write in magazines. I would write about autumn colors and if gold or silver jewelry suited your skin tone better. The kind of magazines that you see in rocom movies from the 80s.

What I would like to accomplish this semester is learning how to write better and how to be a better student academically. My goal is to always learn at least one new thing per class but I think a better goal would be to learn one new thing and apply it to my life. I am in college to eventually get the job that I dream of. In order to do this I not only have to learn but I have to learn how to apply it in real life. While a person never truly stops learning, I know that my biggest opportunity to grow is to learn from the classes I am taking. What I hope to accomplish out of this class is learning how to write better. I truly want to become a better writer and I think this class will help. Hopefully it will help with spelling too because I cannot spell for the life of me.

About me

Hello! I am a student at Morningside University. I am a sophomore and I am from Sioux City IA. I am majoring in Multimedia Communications and Business Administration. I am going to get an MA in Public Relations after I graduate. I like apples, spring, the color yellow, and pizza. I love to write (obviously) and read. My favorite hobbies are crocheting and anything creative really.

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