Starry Eyed Surprise

“We’re all damaged in our own way. Nobody’s perfect. I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us.” -Johnny Depp

Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Filed under: Uncategorized — Taylor at 4:09 pm on Thursday, September 20, 2012

If you are looking for any kind of random office supplies, second floor Lewis Hall is the place to go. The ladies of Student Services are always glad to be helpful. The first person I asked for the thick red rubber band was Shari Benson, when she had no luck finding it she turned the task over to Stacie Hayes. Stacie also could not find a thick red rubber band, so she improvised. She walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a tan rubber band and a red marker.

“It’ll be like Alice in Wonderland except instead of painting roses red, I’m coloring a rubber band with a red marker. I hope it’ll work.” she said.

While she was coloring my thick red rubber band we talked about my parents and how much I miss my mothers cooking. Shari  came out of her office saying she’d found a small red rubber band and heard the conversation we were having. She chimed in on the it  saying how much she loved to experiment with recipes she finds on Pinterest. When I told them that my mother also loved to do that, we discussed failed experiments and successes. After awhile Stacie commented on the rubber band.

“My OCD is kicking in, so I’m going to have to color the whole thing. I hope you’re not in too much of a hurry.”

Finally she finished coloring my rubber band red, smiled and handed it to me with an index card.

“You don’t want to get the marker on your hands so put it on the index card.” she replied as I took it and went on my way.

So now I have a skinny, red rubber band and a thick, colored red rubber band thanks to the ladies of second floor Lewis Hall, Student Services.



1 Comment



September 25, 2012 @ 2:09 am

Gotta love Alice references. Off with their heads! OK, Taylor, but what does Stacie look like? Shari?

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