Starry Eyed Surprise

“We’re all damaged in our own way. Nobody’s perfect. I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us.” -Johnny Depp

Improvement My Writing Needs

Filed under: Uncategorized — Taylor at 3:02 pm on Thursday, September 13, 2012

One of my weakest points about my writing is that sometimes I go so fast that I don’t stop to check punctuation and spelling. This especially applies to typing, my fingers move to fast for my brain sometimes. I think it’s because I get ideas in my head and I feel like I have a limited amount of time to get them typed before they fly out of my brain. Due to this I don’t really know that I may have missed a coma somewhere or used a coma when I should have used a semicolon. Sometimes I forget to capitalize sentences too, which is a very basic thing.

Another one of my problem areas is trying to get what’s in my head to make sense on paper or getting things organized from my thoughts to what I’m writing. I’ll type up a paragraph and then realize 3 paragraphs later that I forgot something in a paragraph before, when I go back to fix it, it no longer flows. I think all in all I need to just slow down or make notes when I think of things and then sort them out when I get there.

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