Is It News? (Oct. 21, 2021)

October 20, 2021 | | 1 Comment

who is the next tribal chief going to be?

Chief, Earl Old Person of the Blackfeet Tribe was known for his strong arguments regarding the relationship between the United States and the Native American community. He pushed for the United States government to give his tribe money to start businesses. Chief Earl Old Person is one of the few remaining people with the tribe’s ancestral history. He died at the age of 92 on Oct. 13.

Blackfeet Nation consists of 17,000 members. All of these people are affected by the death of their chief. The entire Native American community will be affected without his persistence to finding finance for his community. Chief Old Person’s death is news. It affects a good amount of people, and being chief is like being a celebrity. And when a celebrity dies, it’s always news.

The author’s intended audience is the Native American community, and more specifically the Blackfeet Nation. Chief Old Person was very successful in supporting his Nation financially. Who will step up next? The author did not include who the new chief is going to be. Will he or she be able to support the community?


1 Comment so far

  1.    fuglsang on October 25, 2021 2:50 pm

    I read something about this today. His funeral procession went through a number of states, and Native Americans lined the highway to pay their respect. Good story.




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