Is it News? (Sept. 30th, 2021)

September 30, 2021 | | 1 Comment

In this story from New York Times, Daniel Craig is asked questions about his 15 years of playing James Bond and what he will be doing next. You find out that Craig is reserved and humble.

I love Daniel Craig. He is a talented actor and from a female’s side, he is ruggedly sexy. He has been on S.N.L, he plays James Bond, and stars in Cowboys vs. Aliens. Because I am a fan of his, I would consider this story news. I am of the target audience, because I have seen and enjoyed his movies.

The majority of the story is an interview between Daniel Craig and a NYT reporter. The reporter asked things like: What will you miss about playing James Bond? How does it feel to play such a strong character? Do you think your children will be impacted by your movies? Craig is clearly experienced with the media and knows how to give thoughtful answers without sharing anything too personal.

I thought the interview was great. He told the reporter he feels no connection to his characters, which I respect. I loved the quote about Denzel Washington. Craig said “God forbid I was ever in competition with Denzel Washington. Jesus. I don’t consider myself worthy.” I am also a huge fan of Denzel Washington, so hearing this from another great actor makes me smile out loud.

I force myself to look in a different perspective, because I am biased, and when I do, I don’t believe the story is news. It does not affect a large population of people. It is interesting to hear about his life, but it is not emotional enough to be news. Daniel Craig is also not a name this is known worldwide. many people won’t know who he is by only seeing his name.

Daniel Craig, if you are reading this, I love your movies and your acting is even better.


1 Comment so far

  1.    crstaff on October 4, 2021 7:59 pm

    Dealing with the media is a skill, and I imagine all actors with Craig’s experience know how to give just the right answers. Nicely linked to class discussion.




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