We read and select anonymously, so please do not include your name anywhere in the actual document.
Please submit your altered text (as PDF or image file) with a title like the one below:
Altered- Title.
Do not include your name in the file name. You will provide the titles in the Google form, so we will be able to pair artists/writers with their work.
Example: Altered – The Mansion.
You are encouraged to submit in multiple genres (i.e. fiction, creative nonfiction, visual art).
If you do not already have a copy of the original text, you can find it here: “The Conqueror.”
By any means you choose, white-out, black-out, or otherwise alter the text of the original into something new. Then scan and upload it (see below for link to form).

If you have any questions, please contact Kiosk faculty sponsor Brendan Todt (todtb@morningside.edu).