Weekly News Comment #2

The article that I chose to read this week was called, “Why Students With Smallest Debts Have the Larger Problem.” I feel like this article was very newsworthy because it talked about something that I think a lot of college students would be interested in reading. It talks about how students that take out more money in loans are less likely to default compared to students that barrow less money. I feel like this article was really easy to read and understand, but one critique that I have is that the author added a lot of data and percentages, which is a good thing, but I feel like they could have spread them out more and maybe gotten rid of some. There just seemed to be a lot of numbers in a row, so it got a little confusing at times.

I would say that the audience of this article would be college students. When looking for an article to read this one stood out to me because like other college students debts is a scary and nervous thing to think about. I feel like the lead was effective because they got their point across and they were very informative. The only thing that I would do differently would be to spread the percentages and numbers out a bit, just to clear things up.

1 Comment so far

  1.   fuglsang on September 7th, 2015

    News value: Impact. Every college student, past and present , who has debt may be interested.

    A pretty good discussion, Molly.