Darrian Adkins is from Spencer Iowa. He is nineteen years old. He graduated from Spencer High School in 2018. During that time, he was involved in many extracurricular activities including the school choir. He is a sophomore at Morningside College majoring in Religious Studies. Also, he has a work-study position with the Grace United Methodist Church. Some of the tasks he performs include leading the Sunday school program and assisting with the middle school youth group. After graduating Darrian would like to go on to seminary school and get ordained as a minister with the Methodist Church. Ideally, he would like to attend mdvix program at Luther College located in St. Paul.

Originally Darrian wanted to go to college to study accounting. He currently has no pets. Darrian also enjoys playing video games in his free time. Currently he is playing Skyrim which is one of those games that is so open ended and filled with content you can never truly beat the game. One game that he is excited for is the follow up for Marvel’s Spiderman on PS4. The first game being released in September of 2018. Darrian also has a strong sense of volunteering. Both with his church as well as other community groups.