Maggie Ganley

Maggie. Not one of the most popular names in the world, but it’s mine. In fact, my name is probably more popular amidst dogs than it is amidst people.

And no, my name isn’t short for Margaret, which people sometimes ask upon meeting me. Just Maggie. Maggie like the Simpson’s character, Maggie like the dog, nothing too special (although I’d love it if a dog was actually named Margaret and it was Maggie for short).

Marie. By contrast, one of the most popular middle names in the world. Your typical “basic white chick” middle name if you will. It was my grandma’s middle name and my mom passed it down to me, but it’s still nothing unique.

Ganley. My last name is pretty straight forward, but some people still struggle with the pronunciation. Gain-lee is a common mispronunciation that gets thrown around. Misspellings are also common, people aren’t quite sure where to put the ‘e’.


My name is Maggie Ganley. It’s pretty easy to spell once you know how. It’s M-a-g-g-i-e G-a-n-l-e-y. Some people misspell my last name or ask me if my first name is spelled M-a-g-g-y, which seems pretty silly to me. Some of friends have dogs that also have my name! It can get a little confusing, sometimes I don’t know if they’re talking to her or to me. And no, my name isn’t short for Margaret! Margaret is an old lady name and I’m no old lady.

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