News Comment #7

What’s the Longest Humans Can Live? 115 Years, New Study Says

Researches have found that the fastest growing group of people are old people. However, researches have noticed that the increase in the age of old people has slowed and gradually stopped since approaching 115. This leads them to believe that it is not likely that people will be able to surpass the age of 115. Even with advancements in medicine and a general turn towards healthier living, there are certain biological factors that prevent humans from living past a certain age. There may be extreme cases that live past the age cap discussed in the article, such as Jeanne Calment who lived to the age of 122, but the prospects of more people living to that age or longer are practically negligible.

The story starts off with an anecdote and goes on to explain how it relates to the rest of the article. I personally didn’t like the use of the anecdote because it left me a little confused for the first few seconds of the article.

I thought it was interesting that in the fourth paragraph the author chose to say that the researches published the “pessimistic prediction” for human life span. It struck me as odd because I don’t think a life span of 115 years should be viewed pessimistically. Who would honestly want to live past that age?

I thought it was smart of the author to mention scientists that believe there is no limit to human life and show how this new study shows that there actually is one. Mentioning dissenting views helped give the article an air of objectivity and credibility.

I believe this story is newsworthy because of human interest and impact. I believe that this story appeals to human interest because it may make some people sad to know that there’s practically no possibility of living forever. This story has impact because the information that the researchers provided applies to all people.


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