
He is tall, at least tall to me, but stocky. He has blue eyes and thick blonde hair and a full blonde beard to cover his round face. He was earring grey nike glasses. He was wearing grey sweatpants and brooks running shoes. I asked him why he wore brooks running shoes when he doesn’t run and he told me its because he is very flat footed. He has a very deep small town accent, he speaks in the midwest sing song way where your words flow together.

We were practicing for our Spanish speaking exam. He has a very weird accent when he speaks Spanish, muddling the words. We were teasing each other as we practiced, he tried to tell me that Coca Cola owned kombucha. I told him that would be like Bic owning pens, Bic cannot own pens because well, they’re pens anyone can make and sell pens. He was also trying to convince me, and the others in the student gov office that we could start giving out allocations like shark tank and each class can give x amount of money.

One thought on “description

  1. “He has a very deep small town accent, he speaks in the midwest sing song way where your words flow together.” I’m not sure I get what that means, but it’s interesting nonetheless. I’m curious what a smalltown accent sounds like.

    You need another line at the end. What were you thinking? What would you have liked to say to his ideas? Some sort of comment would bring the scene to an end.

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