About Tauna

It’s hard not to know who Tauna Mayhourn is. Tauna is one of the biggest social butterflies here at Morningside, involved in cheer, Mass Communications, and politics at Morningside. If you think she is busy here at Morningside you should have seen her in high school, “I was super busy in High School, and I am just trying to chill in college,” Tauna told me. Tauna is also a huge advocate for body positivity for both men and women here at Morningside. Tauna truly is a legend and has definitely made a name for herself here. 

Tauna was born in raised in Chicago and is the oldest daughter of her huge blended family. You can understand why she is such a social butterfly being one of twelve siblings. She stressed to me that growing up in Chicago is not like what it seems on social media and on the news. She told me that where she grew up in Chicago was the most fun and welcoming community. When asked why she chose to come to Morningside she told me that “I really just came here for the laptop,” and her mom need her to decide where she was going “so that she knew what school to put on the cake.”

Tauna is truly a gem, and one of the most unique and welcoming individuals that we have here at Morningside, and we are lucky to have her. 

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