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Ninjas Hired to Shush People in Movie Theaters

Posted by: Lindsay | September 19, 2012 | 1 Comment |

Ninjas dressed in black body suits will shush rude movie goers. This story is definitely rare but doesn’t impact a large number of people. Also, who is to say that ninjas will work? Usually, if you tell someone in a movie to be quiet, they only get louder. Also, are the skin tight unitards necessary? I personally could not take anyone seriously if they were wearing that outfit. The article should include specific theaters that are implementing this idea and explain how well they believe it will work. The article should also discuss if hiring ninjas would make the theater gain or lose money. They would have to pay for the extra labor, and they might lose business because of the creeper ninjas. It will be interesting to see if this craze catches on in Iowa.

click here to read the story

under: Uncategorized

Responses -

This is in London, so the people are probably much more polite. You may be taking this more seriously than it was intended, Lindsay. Can you imagine the ad in the local paper: “Wanted. Ninjas. Must look good in tights.”
