“Marine veteran walked 810 miles in 42 days for veteran suicide awareness” by Ella Torres News Comment

Ella Torres reported on Travis Snyder, a 32 year-old veteran, who, on Sunday, finished walking around Lake Michigan for 42 days to raise awareness. His need for wanting people to be aware of veteran suicide stemmed a year after he returned home from being deployed in Afghanistan. He learned that a close friend he worked with committed suicide. Snyder wanted this walk to cause people to become more aware of available resources as well as start a conversation on the issue. In result, he met hundreds of new people and learned their stories.

I thought this article was formatted in a story-telling type way. It started off with Snyder’s reason of why he chose to walk and then, from there, got into what exactly he was doing to raise awareness and how people were being affected by it. The title of the article was descriptive and drew people in, so Torres probably thought it be best to build the suspense and offer background knowledge to her readers before jumping right in. I really liked how the article ended with a quote from Snyder. Torres used the quote to capture Snyder’s purpose of walking, ending the article with a hopeful tone, but making sure not to incorporate any of her own opinions on the topic.