A reverse scavenger hunt is giving something away to people rather than having to find a specific object. For this specific reverse scavenger hunt, I was handing out avenger fruit snacks. There was a variety of yummy snacks that we could choose, but I chose the avengers because they are one of my favorite movie series. I had originally thought that I would just put a sign on the box and let people grab them if they would like and just observe the interaction. Instead, I ended up going with the more traditional route and just attempted handing them out to people. I was curious to see how this experiment would go and how people would react to a stranger offering them food with no further explanation.
I decided I would try to pass out as many fruit snacks as possible to the students in my next class. I started with the professor for the next class. His response to me was originally a “no”, and his immediate reaction that he gave me was suspicious and cautious. After asking him why he said “sure why not. I was going to say no because of the sugar, but then realized I was drinking coffee”.
After that I tried to go with two students in my next class. I figured that maybe I would get better reactions from young college students instead. The first student I asked had a bit of a puzzled look on his face and then told me “no I ate too many snacks last night” and opted to not take one. The second student that I offered it to didn’t even hesitate and said “absolutely”.
The majority of the people I asked said no originally but would soon later switch to a yes. It seemed like the crowd that was most likely to grab the fruit snacks were the students, while the staff seemed to be a bit more hesitant and confused by the offer. I figured that the students would be more likely to grab a snack, especially if they are in between classes maybe. That’s not to say that the students didn’t hesitate either though.
That should be Katie, obviously. Sorry!
“…his immediate reaction that he gave me was suspicious and cautious.” Now try to SHOW. What does suspicious and cautious look like?
It was an interesting moment. You could have also included my interference, and that Chris seemed to go along when he found out it was a class assignment.
A good start at description, Maren. Be observant and listen for good quotes, and maybe dialogue.