What Makes a Story Enjoyable?
August 25, 2024 at the_time(); ?> | In Uncategorized | No CommentsFor me, a compelling story must be genuine and authentic. Although I think fiction has it’s perks to read as well, it encourages you to think more creatively, and that’s not for me. Stories that I can relate to are the ones that tend to grab my attention the most. This also is to be said about my personal writing. I tend to find myself exploring current or historical events. An example of this would be my love for true crime. It could be as minor as a gas station robbery or a more extreme case such as homicide, but I find myself gravitating towards true crime books, articles, or documentaries. These narratives grab my attention because of the real experiences, even if I may not be able to personally relate to every case. A story is something that is worth being heard. I hope this class allows me to dive deeper into my research skills while also providing information that is worth telling to the reader.
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