The escape of Zimmerman
August 28, 2024 at the_time(); ?> | In Uncategorized | No CommentsIn a recent article from the NYT, they talk about a recent escape from jail in Mississippi. A former employee of the DeSoto County Sheriff’s office, Ronnie Hunt, helped aid in the escape of inmate Joshua Zimmerman. Mr. Zimmerman was reported to be leaving in plain clothes with no shackles or handcuffs. After a 14 hour standoff between him and the police at a local Chicago seafood restaurant, Mr. Zimmerman was arrested.
There are a variety of different stories that could come from this article. Not much detailed information was given which allows more directions to go with a story like this. Here are some more feature stories that could come out of this.
The Downfall of the Deputy. This story’s main focus could be about how the prior law enforcement worker is now an alleged criminal. Were there warning signs that could’ve prevented this? This story could cover his time at the DeSoto County Sheriff’s office and see if there were any red flags that may have risen from his time working there.
Inside the Escape. A detailed investigation could take place on how Joshua Zimmerman was able to pull this escape off. It could also look into details of the security errors of why he was left alone unrestrained along with the help Mr. Hunt gave him.
The Consequences of Their Own Actions. This feature could include interviews from people within the prison to security experts that can speak on how this could have been preventable. Along with what are the next steps to enhance the security in the courthouse.
Inside the 14- Hour Standoff in Chicago. A detailed story about the 14 hour standoff that happened down the street from the DNC. This story could dive in to the challenges that law enforcement faced and the strategies they used and how they managed to arrest Mr. Zimmerman in a high stakes situation.
The Role of the Media. This story could dive into the perception the media gave on this story. And how the public and media may have influenced the investigation and law enforcement responses. This could also include how the media went about reporting the escape and arrest of Joshua Zimmerman.
All five of these new feature stories that could be used as a spinoff are all interesting in their own ways. For me, I think the feature story that I would do would be “Inside the Escape”. When I was reading this story the one recurring question of how he was able to escape kept popping up in my head. I think being able to go into more detail of the security system and the aid Mr. Hunt gave to Mr. Zimmerman would be beneficial to understand how he was able to get away with this.
A story is…
August 25, 2024 at the_time(); ?> | In Uncategorized | No CommentsA story is something that portrays specific events or experiences. There are a variety of different types of stories that can be told. Some may be fiction, or some may be based on real events. Every good story is consisted of characters and a well thought out plot. Following that, building the suspense will keep the reader engaged, so structuring your story well is important. Keeping a well structured story also applies to real events that have happened. It is important to remember to be telling a story and not just facts if it is a current or historic event.
I think stories are very beneficial to us, because although one of the main points of a story is to entertain and inform a specific audience, stories go much beyond just entertainment. We need stories for educational purposes, such as exposure to different cultures and traditions they share. It also boosts your cognitive thinking skills, and develop critical thinking skills while expanding your knowledge and vocabulary. Aside from the educational perks stories bring us, they also allow us to be inspired and to show off creativity. Every story has a message within it and those messages can be motivating to others to make a change or set a goal for themselves. Stories allow us to connect with one another and other experiences. I also believe stories can provide a sense of comfort to people. You typically read things you relate to, which can be beneficial to people.
What Makes a Story Enjoyable?
August 25, 2024 at the_time(); ?> | In Uncategorized | No CommentsFor me, a compelling story must be genuine and authentic. Although I think fiction has it’s perks to read as well, it encourages you to think more creatively, and that’s not for me. Stories that I can relate to are the ones that tend to grab my attention the most. This also is to be said about my personal writing. I tend to find myself exploring current or historical events. An example of this would be my love for true crime. It could be as minor as a gas station robbery or a more extreme case such as homicide, but I find myself gravitating towards true crime books, articles, or documentaries. These narratives grab my attention because of the real experiences, even if I may not be able to personally relate to every case. A story is something that is worth being heard. I hope this class allows me to dive deeper into my research skills while also providing information that is worth telling to the reader.
About me!
August 22, 2024 at the_time(); ?> | In Uncategorized | No CommentsHello! I am a junior at Morningside University. I am originally from Kenosha, WI, but am here majoring in Communications with a minor in psychology! My goal is to go into journalism or public relations after I graduate. My favorite things to do for fun is write or go out with friends!
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