Josh Meredith's Blog

Very Rough draft of paper 3 (probably should get some interviews done eh?)

Posted in Uncategorized by Joshua on the November 10, 2011


Unfortunately, our planet has a major poop problem on its hands that it needs to wash off. Sanitation is neither a sexy topic nor the human races strong suit. As the population of the world continues to creep up, the amount of waste produced by humans will also continue to creep up, or should I say out.

Approximately 2.6 billion of the over 7 billion people on earth lack any sanitation at all and more than 200 million tons of human waste goes untreated every year. We high and mighty Americans are not as safe as we think either. 90 percent of sewage is discharged directly into lakes, rivers, and oceans and our developed cities still depend on rickety old sewage systems that are easily overwhelmed by heavy rain.

All this untreated waste and sewage adds up to equal a major public health crisis theat claims one childs life every 20 seconds. Though investing in sanitation for the world is not a top peope want to bring up, it is a topic that needs to be addressed before too many more lives are lost.



Santa Cruz is experience a whale of a problem because in Santa Cruz California, they are playing Moby Dick for real. Though we Iowans often get cold temperature and snow this time of year at least we are not getting almost man eating, boat crushing and capsizing whales! The lucky people of Santa Cruz have found themselves in an unlucky situation. A pod of Humpback whales has followed in a school of anchovies and are submerging from the water to eat. News Flash People, Humpback whales don’t care if people are on top of the surface when they come up for a bite to eat. The whales have made the waters of the coast of Santa Cruz a dangerous place to be. So, think again before you plan on getting away from these cold temperatures because even though every place in the United States may seem better than Northwest Iowa, at least we Iowa have people friendly cows that give us tasty things like milk and cheese and steak, rather than 40 ton whales that will give you a destroyed boat and a possibly even a lost life.



State College, Pennsylvaina has been shook to its core for the last few days by Jerry Sandusky despicable acts towards young boys. The fall out or Sandusky’s actions have resulted in Penn State University’s board of trustees deciding to fire their head football coach Joe Paterno. Joe Pa worked for Penn St. for over 60 years. Last week college football fans were celebrating Paterno’s 409th victory. This week Paterno will be watching the Penn St. Nebraska game from his home. The inability of Penn State’s authorities to do what was morally and legally right will result in Penn St. cleaning house and result in in Joe Paterno’s  and the universities reputation being permanently tarnished.