News Comment #13: BP Faces Bans For “Lack of Business Integrity”

November 29th, 2012 § 1 comment

After BP faced the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico two years ago, the company has to face a new situation this year- being banned from a contract with the United States government. The Environmental Protection Agency, or the EPA, stated that the action was taken over BP’s “lack of business integrity” after two years of trying to recover.

The suspension is said to be lifted soon, and does not hinder the current contracts with the United States government.

The BBC article from Wednesday has subtitle that move the article through different topics. For one, they cover the “resolve and lift ban” then go into the “reckless” aspect of the oil spill. The reckless section says, “When someone recklessly crashes a car, their licence and keys are taken away.” After the reckless aspect, it moves on to contracts again.

The article flows very well, and it makes sense. Most everyone know of the oil spill, since it’s been such a huge issue for years now. I think the article is very current, considering these bans were just put into place. This could potentially affect people, though I’m unsure how much. I think it’s a news piece, but doesn’t truly capture the readers attention like it could. It should go into the consequences that BP has faces and could face due to this ban, and how it could effect American citizens, gas prices, etc.

To read the article, find it on BBC.


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