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Holiday Billboard

Vodka company, Wodka Vodka, has been under fire for a holiday billboard that people believed to be anti-Semitic.  The company had used a billboard in New York advertising their product using the slogan, “Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing.”

Many Jewish people are offended by the slogan and find the message to be misguided and a bit Anti-Semitic.  The Huffington Post also said that the slogan went along with other of their ads which attempted to be funny.  These slogans include, “Hamptons Quality, Newark Pricing” and, “Escort Quality, Hooker Pricing.”
Although the racy and pun intended billboards of the past had really no problem with the public’s eye, this holiday edition of racy billboard had the Jewish community in upheaval that within a week the Vodka company took it down and released a formal and twitter apology to the public stating “we did not intend to offend anybody and are removing the billboard immediately.”

Read the Huffington Post story here

This piece is news because in today’s society, where image and how you represent yourself means mostly everything, Wodka Vodka has made the public aware of the types of jokes and demographics of people who take things too serious or literally.  Their jab at Judaism is just a reminder that people are sometimes out there just to be offended and as a corporation trying to have fun and continue a streak of comedy for publicity, advertisers need to realize that what they put in the media defines the entire company which often makes the difference between selling the product or going bankrupt.
In my personal opinion,  I think people should just see things for what they are.  Wodka Vodka in no way is the Nazi party and was just trying to make a small joke, not set out against all Jewish people or doctrines.  Sometimes the world is too serious for itself.  People need to take a step back, laugh and say, “good one,”  instead of instantly feel like they are being persecuted for their faith or race or whatever.  With that being said, Wodka has to understand that people are really sensitive and a slogan like that will draw some negative feedback from people who don’t understand humor or comedic values.

~ by Jescy on .

One Response to “Holiday Billboard”

  1. People just need to lighten up. The vodka company did the ad knowing people would complain and it would be in the news. The people complained so they could be in the news. And the media went along so that people would read the news. Humbug!