Drew Dau, and his fellow peers, hard at work in their Graphic Design class, working on some drafts for his next assignment.

Derek White cheers on his friends’ team at the first round of Morningside College’s 5v5 Intramural Basketball game.
Drew Dau, and his fellow peers, hard at work in their Graphic Design class, working on some drafts for his next assignment.
Derek White cheers on his friends’ team at the first round of Morningside College’s 5v5 Intramural Basketball game.
Fernando Franco, a senior attending Morningside College, working his way through a stack of files at his work-study job on campus. Contact the Morningside Financial Aid Office today to learn if you qualify and possible openings on campus.
“It’s not as hard as it looks,” says Gage Thackston directing the cameras for Morningside College’s MCTV at last night’s basketball game.
“We don’t all wear lab coats and goggles in the laboratory,” says Nate Drees, senior at Morningside College majoring in Biology, “That’s just a stereotype.”
Although I couldn’t find the exact photos I was looking for here, I found some that are similar. These are for “Photo Story” examples. CLICK HERE
Could these also count as “Covering the Issues”?
Also, I think that Deborah Copaken Kogan, the author of Shutterbabe, definitely had some great insight on how she did her photo stories and how she “covered the issues” with her camera.
I have always loved Annie Leibovitz’s work, and I think in this show she has some striking portraits. Click Here
As far as editing goes, I know this isn’t photojournalism and more creative photography… But I feel like every person should see these photos. They’re a good laugh. Click Here
I didn’t really find any of sports that stood out to me.. I’m interested in seeing some others that people found. However, to me “sports” photos are a lot of the same mundane photos. If I were to be a sports photographer, I think I would like to pic out the random happenings like in the crown or on the sidelines. Something along those lines..
Environmental Portrait:
Rachel Penning takes a break from leading the cheers at the Morningside vs. Northwestern basketball game to pose for the camera. “It’s a great feeling being able to get the crowd on their feet and excited to support our teams,” says team captain Penning.
Although the past few days have been peculiarly foggy, nothing is stopping Morningside College students from getting their education.
Student Renee Van Beaumont is nervous about receiving her flu-shot from Morningside College’s nurse Carol Gravey, so she holds her stuffed penguin Avalanche for some support.
Josh Gaedke gets a little reading in as he waits to meet with Director Karen Gagnon to discuss his financial aid.
Fernando Franco keeps busy in between classes and homework by putting in a few hours a day at his work study job in the Financial Aid office at Morningside College.
Lines a mile long, extreme coupon hunting, and if there’s not a sale… Well than you may as well shut down for the months of November and December. That’s right, folks… It’s the Holiday season. And no matter how long you’ve worked at your place of employment, and no matter the precautions that led you to this time of year… Nothing will help prepare you for the chaos you are about to endure. How do I know this? Because for the first time this year, I was given the opportunity to partake in my first every Black Friday, or as retail refers to it “Green Friday,” experience.
“Jazz, clock in and hop on cash registers,” my boss tries to yell over the pulsating music and the chatter of customers shopping in our store.
It was 4pm on Black Friday. The mall had opened at midnight (16hrs earlier), and the sale we were having had started the day before Thanksgiving (2 days prior). Yet we already had a line forming around the store. I hadn’t even been in there for more than 10 seconds and I was already being ordered around.
I clock in, and hurry to the back room to grab my headset and nametag. I put my purse in my locker, and I head back out to the sales floor where I will embrace my fate at the ever-demanding cash register.
“It’s our biggest day of the year guys, let’s make sure we talk to every single customer!” my boss says as her voice can now be heard in my right ear thanks to my headset.
I take my post at cash register two.
“Hey, how are you doing today?” How I start 9 out of 10 conversations with customers.
“Good, good,” says the woman, “How are you?”
“Great! Getting all of your Christmas shopping done?” I ask.
We were taught to always be “friends first” with the customers, have real conversations, etc. So I try, although I’ll admit, I say pretty much the same lines over and over. It’s repetitive, but how many different ways can you really address a complete stranger?
“Sure am! Just have a few things left on my list, and this will all finally be over,” the woman laughs.
I shoot her a smile. I haven’t even started Christmas shopping. Is that pathetic?
The woman begins fishing around in her purse.
“I think I might also have a coupon around her somewhere… Didn’t you guys just send out a coupon recently?” the woman asks.
The entire store is 40% off this particular weekend for the big “Black Friday” sale, mind you.
“I don’t believe so… Our entire store is 40% off this weekend, so I doubt they would send out another coupon on top of that,” I try to say with my best customer smile I can work up. But really, this woman is asking for another coupon? She’s getting what a normal employee gets as a discount on a regular basis. That doesn’t happen often, and she’s complaining?
The woman is unhappy. I can tell by the way she begins to scrunch her face up. I try to think of something as quickly as possible.
“If you would like to sign up for our store charge card today I can save you 55% instead of the 40% everyone is saving,” I say.
Her eyes light up.
I’ve done it.
“Oh, alright! Let’s try that!” She’s ecstatic.
I typically hate pushing the charge cards onto people. I have my own reserved feelings about them, but the things people will do for a coupon these days.
I finished ringing the woman up, and sent her on her way having only paid 45% instead of the of the 60% a majority of other people were paying.
It didn’t stop there, though.
I stayed in that line, in the EXACT same spot for 3 hours. The flow of customers was constant through the cash register line, and almost every other person brought up the concern of more coupons.
It was like that book I read as a child, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. In this book the Mouse is given a cookie, but then it wants milk, and so on and so forth until it’s asked for just about everything.
These people were coupon crazed even after we were giving them the best deal we had had all year!
Finally 9pm rolled around, and I was the first to sprint to the front of the store to close the doors.
“We did it guys! We survived Black Friday! You all were great!” exclaimed my manager over our headsets. Then she started rattling off statistics for the sales we had accomplished that day.
The store was a mess, my feet hurt from standing, and I was scheduled for at least two more hours to help clean the store up. My first Black Friday in retail, and the last 6-letter word I ever wanted to hear again was “coupon.”