Monthly Archives: February 2013
Comm. 444_ 7,8,9

Drew Dau, and his fellow peers, hard at work in their Graphic Design class, working on some drafts for his next assignment.

Derek White cheers on his friends’ team at the first round of Morningside College’s 5v5 Intramural Basketball game.
Comm. 444_3,4,5

Fernando Franco, a senior attending Morningside College, working his way through a stack of files at his work-study job on campus. Contact the Morningside Financial Aid Office today to learn if you qualify and possible openings on campus.

“It’s not as hard as it looks,” says Gage Thackston directing the cameras for Morningside College’s MCTV at last night’s basketball game.

“We don’t all wear lab coats and goggles in the laboratory,” says Nate Drees, senior at Morningside College majoring in Biology, “That’s just a stereotype.”
Comm. 444-“Covering Issues” & “Photo Story”
Although I couldn’t find the exact photos I was looking for here, I found some that are similar. These are for “Photo Story” examples. CLICK HERE
Could these also count as “Covering the Issues”?
Also, I think that Deborah Copaken Kogan, the author of Shutterbabe, definitely had some great insight on how she did her photo stories and how she “covered the issues” with her camera.
Comm. 444_ Portraits/Sports/Editing
I have always loved Annie Leibovitz’s work, and I think in this show she has some striking portraits. Click Here
As far as editing goes, I know this isn’t photojournalism and more creative photography… But I feel like every person should see these photos. They’re a good laugh. Click Here
I didn’t really find any of sports that stood out to me.. I’m interested in seeing some others that people found. However, to me “sports” photos are a lot of the same mundane photos. If I were to be a sports photographer, I think I would like to pic out the random happenings like in the crown or on the sidelines. Something along those lines..