Katie Coppla

New Lede

19 year old girl from a small town finally moves to the big city to achieve a better life.

This biography about Katie Coppla is unique and unmatched by any other biography that I’ve read.  Katie had humble beginnings.  She was born in good old Dakota City, Nebraska and didn’t move out of her house until she left for college. Since Katie has never lived in another home she really cherishes it and would not trade it for anything.  And Morningside College is the only other place she has lived in her life. So every place she goes is a new experience for her.  While Katie might like these new locations and places of residence, she will never forget her first house.

Katie Coppla is a sophomore at Morningside College and is studying Mass Communications.  She really enjoys all of the different aspects in the Mass Communication department but one stands out more then the rest.  She loves sports broadcasting and would like to do something in that field when she graduates with a Mass Communication major.  Even with her passion for sports broadcasting and all the activates that Mass Comm. Department has she still finds time to do her two favorite things, reading and volleyball.

Katie is a very active volleyball player and coach.  She helps coach the North Sioux City High School girl’s volleyball team and loves it.  Her favorite experience associated with her volleyball career was getting the chance to play with Misty May Turner, a three time gold medalist in the Olympics.

Somewhere in between the volleyball and sports broadcasting Katie dreams about going to London, England.  She would love to tour the city and see the rich history that it has to hold.  Next to England, Katie would like to travel to New York City and Washington D.C. to experience all of American history that it has to offer. This short and unique biography of Katie Coppla sums up her life and explains some of her interests as well as details some over her future goals.

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