News Comment

NY Times Article: “A Chance to Defuse the Catalonia Crisis”


This opinion article deals with the confusing times the people of Spain are going through right now. with Catalonia looking for independence by vote ( in the election 90% of the voters were in favor of the independence, but only 40% of all voters actually participated). The Government of Spain keeps placing borders to prevent the independence. for now is on hold and both governments are looking for dialogue ( well at least Catalonia is).

The truth is that the leadership of Catalonia got to a point that no one thought they could. On the verge of separation and they decided to declare independence but to postpone it until further dialogue takes place. I agree with the writer, the government needs more focus and a stringer leadership if Catalonia has demonstrated anything is that they are unsure 0f what they are doing. This hesitation comes mostly from the economical impact the independence would have. Already many businesses  have decided to leave, making their own economy just weaker.

This is a battle that has been taking place for many years; it’s just taking more news coverage . This is not the first time an election happens where all the voter want to separate from Spain but again not all the voter participate. at this point the leaders of Catalonia must decide if they want to shut everything down or go with it and face the consequences. probably Catalonia will be weaker at first but with a strong economical plan they should be fine

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