Kodak Black Headed to Prison

November 13, 2019

Black, a Florida rapper, was sentenced to 46 months in prison after a guilty plea on weapons charges. He admitted to lying on background check forms on a gun that was fired at another rapper. This gun had Black’s fingerprints and a live round in the chamber. His guilty plea went with this gun and multiple firearms at two different times this year. He also was charged with unlawful possession of marijuana and criminal possession of a firearm in April.

Joe Coscarelli wrote this article about the Florida rapper Kodak Black on November 13th. He started out with the recent news on the rapper and worked to his past criminal charges. He included the details of charges that lead to his sentence that got reduced from ten years. The rapper has had success and the charges have built up. Coscarelli explained his past charges from criminal sexual charges to marijuana possession.

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