The Blog of Derrick James Freese

November 30, 2010, 3:25 am
Filed under: Web Design

Where do I start…..

I know you can update your status and let everyone know what’s going on in your life, but is it nececcary to inform every one of your friends or followers every 5 minutes of what you are doing or what is going on?  It bugs me a tad when my feed is flooded with pointless status updates.  There are also the people who feel the need to post “FML” as if their life is truely that bad that they have to let Facebook know.  And don’t even get me started on the random games and apps that take up the majority of my news feed.  I dont want to help you save farm animals or give you free gifts for your fish tank, please stop sending me notifications.

Now on a positive note I would like to say that following a sports team or a company releasing a product on Facebook or Twitter would actually be quite useful.  Getting details on what is happening with developments and even a teacher using Facebook or Twitter to inform changes with assignments, cancelled classes, or reminders would prove to be handy. Telling the world something completely randm or “FML”  is not a productive way to use the social networking tools you have. Use a blog if you really want to tell people how you feel.

Morningside Food
November 30, 2010, 2:16 am
Filed under: Web Design

What can I honestly say about Morninside food.  It’s mostly hit and miss.  It can be great one day, then for the next week it’s all reheated chili and pizza.  If it isn’t that, then it’s hamburgers that get left under the heated lights, making the buns hard and the burger dry.  The only decent place to eat would be the sandwich station, but it gets old after a few meals.  I understand they need to make meals for a large body of people, but is it that hard to make a few better meals? Or maybe have some different options?

The other place to eat at Morningside would be Buck’s.  Buck’s is a pretty decent place to eat overall.  Good food. Good variety.  Only down fall, small availability.  Buck’s isn’t open during the weekends, except for Sunday nights. The weekends are usually when the cafeteria food is the worst with the least amount of options, no sack lunch option, and no Buck’s.  So unless I want to drive off campus and buy my food, the cafeteria is my only option.