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Evolution of Social Media and Content Creation

There has been a lot of things to change over the years, but one of the biggest things to note is rise of social media and content creation. There have been multiple platforms to solidify their place in changing social media but platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Youtube & X have taken the cake. Not only have these platforms given entertainment for years and years, but these apps have become a lot more known for contributing to entrepreneurship as well.

Short form video content has taken over social media. Things like Youtube Shorts, TikTok, & Instagram reels have started to capture the attention of social media users. Nowadays, consumers of social media have limited attention spans, so short form video content is quick, entertaining, and much easier to consume. A lot of creators are choosing this form of content because of the potential to go viral is higher, as well as the simplicity to create. Engagement is also typically higher on these forms of videos, so once you are put into an algorithm it’s easier to see more of what you want as well as people seeing your videos because it’s what they like.

Personal branding has become a huge part of social media and content creation. My friend from home, Myon Winzer, runs a clothing line and allowed me to ask him some questions about how he uses social media to push his brand. “Social media changed the game! It allows for everyone to eat and gain exposure. In 2024, if your product is fire and you have the content to back it, you’re almost guaranteed to pop as long as you stay consistent,” Myon said happily when asked about how social media has helped him with his clothing line. It’s not just about creating content though, it’s about building a brand. “For instance, if I sell clothes and there is someone who follows a bunch of clothing pages, he will most likely see my account eventually since that’s how the algorithm works and that’s how you continue to build your brand,” Myon explained.

Authenticity is a growing part of social media, which is for the better. Many more creators are going viral for just being themselves and being different. After a while getting on social media and seeing everyone doing the same things starts to get boring and people are realizing that so more people do things that are outside of the box and authentic to them which then allows them to be different and stand out. What once used to be a celebrity driven social media world, is now full of amateur creators and regular people who are starting to gain the recognition they deserve for having unique talents and personalities.

One thing I love about the rise of social media and content creation is the spread of positivity when it comes to health and wellness. So often I come across the Instagram pages of people who’s whole objective is to motivate people to eat healthier and workout more in order to improve their lifestyle. This can also tie back into the short form content creation. An old high school teammate of mine, John Eldridge III, does something similar to this so I asked him why he does it. “Oh man, I just love knowing that I can give back to people through social media and knowing that I can change someones life. Even if my content doesn’t immediately attract someone, it’s still planting seeds to anyone who watches my videos so It still gives me gratitude knowing that I was apart of someone else’s journey,” John said. John recently graduated from Army University and is now training for the Winter Olympics while content creating.

Overall, social media and content creation is on the rise for a multitude of reasons beyond just entertainment. People are now using social media for personal expression, business growth, and cultural influence.


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