Reverse Scavenger Hunt

One box of fruit snacks vs. Morningside. How will people react to free fruit snacks? Will they think I’m crazy? Will they be suspicious? Will they take them with no hesitation? We shall find out!

During this observation period, I handed the snacks out to some people and for others I simply offered.

The first person that I handed, or at least attempted to hand, a pack of fruit snacks to was a male in the library who was just leaving from grabbing coffee so I figured he could use to some food as well. No words said, I stuck out the fruit snacks quickly and the student declined politely while continuing to walk.

Okay, on to the next. This times I wanted to actually offer them to someone and keep them in the box. So, I walked up to a group of women upstairs in the library and whispered, “would any of you like some free fruit snacks?” I was asked why they were free and if anything was wrong with them but once I cleared the air the women gladly took 1 pack each with a smile on their faces. I probably would be skeptical about free fruit snacks as well.

Given my success with the last group, I felt as if that method was too easy. The last method I tried was standing by the cafe and holding up the box while saying “FIRST COME FIRST SERVED!” The main reaction I got from people were laughs and straight up being ignored, aka no reaction. At that point I felt like I wasn’t being take seriously and I even felt like I was being punished as if I was on Impractical Jokers or something.

I was able to hand out a couple more packs without any question to a group of football players on campus that I am familiar with. Didn’t expect any of those guys to pass up a chance at a free snack! I was left with 2 packs and honestly, I took those home and ate them for myself. Ross was so kind as to give me a box for free so I figured a little indulgence for myself wouldn’t hurt anybody!

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