In the article about John Boehner his crying is addressed. During speeches while campaigning for president John Boehner is known for his extremely emotional breakdowns. It is asked in the article can he manage Michelle Bachman, a woman that is aggressive. “I can get pretty emotional,” Mr. Boehner conceded in a recent interview. “I learned there are some things I really can’t talk about. Can’t go to schools while campaigning. All of those little sweet kids, I’m a mess.” This article has a main purpose of showing that crying is more openly done by men then it used to be. Many men have been successful on campaigns even if they do cry. Public crying, he said, can be calculated or self-permitted. “We do so for a number of reasons,” Mr. Lutz said. “For emphasis (this is so important I give myself permission to break the rules); for self-definition (I don’t care how I’m supposed to act; this is who I really am); to ward off criticism (he’s too upset for me to challenge him); to suggest intimacy (he feels so comfortable with me he will break the rules in front of me); and so on.” This quote shows that crying can actually considered an advantage in campaigning. It shows a vulnerable and more relate able side of the contestants. This article could be targeted at men to show that showing emotion is changing and instead of becoming a weakness is actually showing as a strength. This article is effective due to the many sources used. It has many real life example of situations where crying has been excepted.