September, 2020

South Iowa Highway Patrol Temporarily Bans Radar Guns

Yesterday, the South Iowa Highway Patrol ordered a temporary ban of hand held radar guns. Adam Smith, spokesman for the South Iowa Highway Patrol, said that the decision came from concerns that troopers could develop cancer from long-term exposure to the radiation waves emitted by the devices. The ban was ordered as a precaution while studies are conducted into the possible links between cancer and the use of such guns.

Since their decision, 70 radar guns have been withdrawn from service. State troopers will continue to use radar units with transmitters mounted on the outside of their cruisers. “The feeling here is to err on the side of caution until more is known about the issue,” Smith said. “The whole situation is under review.”

The move is considered to be the first of its kind by a state police agency. It comes two months after three municipal officers in Cedar Rapids filed workman’s compensation claims, saying they developed cancer from using the hand held devices.

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