Should MNCs protect shareholder value by restricting the placement of female employees in certain foreign countries? Discuss sexism in international business. Remember to post and respond to at least one blog that does not have any comments.

I believe in most critical situations mergers or transactions between companies to be very critical.  That being said any type of characteristic whether being emotional, psychological, and even physical can make or break a deal with another company.  I believe that a multinational corporation should be able to have the right to regulate the female presence among foreign countries in doing business.  Reasons for this is that no one country is exactly similar and their values are most likely not the same as the U.S. as the rights of sexist equality in the workplace.  Along with some foreign countries women are seen as less than equal so while doing business a MNC should know the culture of the country in order to allow the application of women.  Knowing the culture would save many businesses the hassle of failure in the transactions between companies.  For example in Japan, women are not concluded within a business transaction.  Only the men hold the high paying jobs and deal with the major decisions of a company, while yes women still hold jobs within the company women are lower then men.  Sexism is one of the major problems in business today.  Not only is it within our homeland business lives but in the lives of major companies trying to expand out in the world.  I do believe that MNC should have the power to protect the shareholders values and the transaction by in some situations not allowing women to be present in foreign deals.

4 thoughts on “Should MNCs protect shareholder value by restricting the placement of female employees in certain foreign countries? Discuss sexism in international business. Remember to post and respond to at least one blog that does not have any comments.

  1. I am a little confused with your first couple of sentences but after reading through your entire post I think I was able to make out your stance on the issue.
    I agree with you in that MNC’s should have the power to protect the shareholders values by not allowing women to be involved in certain international deals. As a female in America I wish I had the same opportunity for advancement and large international deals as my male colleges, but unfortunately, that is not the case. As you mentioned most females in the rest of the world do not have the opportunities that woman in America do. Although it may be hard concept for some American females to grasp, their involvement in international deals often has a greater chance of harming a company than helping it.

  2. I agree with what you are saying in your blog. Although in the U.S. we promote equality in gender, race, and religion, other countries have different customs and values. We need to respect other countries cultures so we can do what we went to do which is business. Hopefully in the future women will have equality, but were not going to change the way they think by being ignorant and having a woman try to negotiate a business deal. I do think that women should still be kept in the aspects of business back in the U.S., just because they cannot physically be there they should be allowed to do everything up to that point.

  3. I agree. There are certain countries where women are not treated the same as men. If a company were to have a businesswoman walking into a negotiation with said country, this could be taken as a slap in the face. At best there will be tension between companies, which is not healthy for any negotiation/deal/merger/etc.

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