Death of a South Iowa man

September 3, 2020

UPDATE: The autopsy of Moyer Quick showed that the result of death was a heart attack causing the car collision. Currently Quick’s wife has been released from the hospital, while her sister is being scheduled to be released. Radin is still in critical condition.

A two car collision occurred yesterday east of Sioux City on Hwy 28 resulted in the death of a local South Iowa City man. Two passengers and the driver of the other vehicle were sent to the hospital due to injuries.

Moyer Quick, a 65-year-old, died when the backend of his vehicle hit the front end of another vehicle as he tried to pass. In the vehicle with him was his wife Dorothy Quick, 61, and her sister Maxine Steuerwald, 43.

Quick’s wife and her sister were taken to the hospital and are in fair condition. While the other driver, 17-year-old Randy Radin, was taken to the hospital in critical condition.

Radar guns causing cancer

September 3, 2020

A ban on hand-held radar guns in Sioux City was issued yesterday by the South Iowa Highway patrol due to the cause of cancer. 70 radar guns will be withdrawn from service because there are concerns that troopers could develop cancer.

Studies are being conducted after three municipal officers filed compensation claims. South Iowa Highway patrol spokesman, Adam Smith, comments, “The feeling here is to err on the side of caution until more is known about the issue.” All precautions are being taken to protect officers from the possibility of cancer.