news comment week 13

did you ever want to live in space well now we might just get to. NASSA is trying to crate a living interment in space. like in the movie walle or the old tv Disney show Zenon girl of the 21st century. they want to make a home for people in space and they are calling it Asgardia. it kind of sounds like Asgard in Thor and all and we all know that  is how they most likely came up with the name. but how cool would it be to live in space they had already shot a sidelight into space and how knows when it will be made. i mean we have talked about this before but it never really happened but how knows many one day we will live in space and i think that would be so cool and i can’t wait to see what they are planing to do.


  1. Relate the story to the course, Aleigha. What is the news value?

    To me this sounds like the US planting its flag — staking its claim — in the sky so
    other countries won’t be able to.

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