Honors Convocation
ODK, a national leadership honor society for upperclassmen, held Honors Convocation on April 8 to honor students, faculty, and staff that have been doing outstanding work during this year.
Faculty from each department come together to decide on which student has been excelling or doing outstanding work. The students recognized also are recipients of outstanding grades.
ODK members recognize an outstanding sophomore, staff member, faculty, and campus organization. This year’s winners were Jordan Heim was the Sophomore Cup recipient; Chris Spicer, associate professor of mathematics, received the Faculty Person of the Year; Gail Dooley, professor of music, was presented the First-Year Teaching/Advising Award; Donna Galati Huls, writing center consultant, received the Staff Member of the Year; and the Tommeraasen Award of Excellence was presented to two outstanding campus organizations, International Student Association and the Kiosk Magazine.
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