Career Services

The holiday season is filled with food, family, and friends.  Typically, it is a great time to reconnect with those you may not have been in touch with recently.  I constantly talk with current students about networking with friends, family, professional colleagues, etc. for their job search, but this is also a great idea for alumni, even if you aren’t currently looking for a new career.  Having a strong networking base can not only allow you to pursue your professional goals, but it can help you connect with others and build strong professional relationships.  Helping those in your network helps them trust and value you as a professional connection.  As you meet people during the holiday season, keep them in mind to follow up with at a later date.  In connecting and reconnecting with potential networking contacts, LinkedIn can be a great way to organize your network, while providing easy accessibility and messaging options.  If you are not currently on LinkedIn, check it out!  I am always happy to connect with Morningside College current students and alumni!

Finally, I want to wish you a very happy holiday, and thank you for all the support you provide to Career Services.  Every time you are contacted to talk with a current student, allow them to job shadow, or even as you consider hosting interns or hiring Morningside graduates for full time positions, you are helping our students to be successful.  We appreciate it!!



Stacie Hays

Career Services

Published in: on December 4, 2014 at 2:41 PM Comments (0)

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