Dimmitt Hall Renovation Complete

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The Dimmitt Hall renovation was completed in late August, just in time for the class of 2019 to move in. However, since new students didn’t know Dimmitt Hall before, most of the excitement came from upperclassmen, as they moved in a few days later. Students explored all over the building and were thrilled with their updated home and all of its perks.

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In the Business Center, students can study, work on group projects, or just use the printer.

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The Fitness Center features various machines and a yoga room.

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The Community Kitchen is fully stocked with various pots and utensils, so students have the opportunity to cook some homemade food.

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The Informal Lounge remains a primary hangout and study place for students.

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The Formal Lounge features multiple areas for students to congregate and study.

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At the intersection of every hall is now a lounge for people to study, have hall functions, or hang out with friends.

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Not only do the laundry rooms have new washers and dryers, laundry is now free for students living on campus.


Published in: on September 15, 2015 at 10:34 AM Comments (0)

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