Students Finish May Term
One requirement to graduate from Morningside College is to explore a unique topic by taking a May Term course. Many students fulfilled this requirement this May by either taking a class on campus or traveling with professors around the world.
On campus students enjoyed immersing themselves in classes covering Batik tie-dying, digital music recording, forensics, cooking, how to be a clown, and robotics.

The May Term class ‘Send in the Magical Clowns’ spent their May Term learning about the art of clowning and magic. They did multiple performances for children.
Students that decided to adventure off campus for May Term traveled to various countries. One class went biking, hiking, and kayaking in Vietnam and Cambodia. Another group went to Paris, London, Rome, and Florence to experience the culture, art, language, and architecture.
Along with these trips, the Morningside College choir toured Spain, performing in various cities as well as experiencing the culture.

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