Rare Rhinos Under 24-hour Armed Guard

  I actually found this article on accident when I was looking on my Facebook wall. It showed the image above of a rhino being heavily guarded. I obviously had to know what was going on with this image and instantly read the article.

Rhinos have been under attack from poachers for a long time now. They are normally hunted for their horns. It is sad to read that there are only four white rhinos left in the world. Not only is that a sad though but the fact that they need armed body guards is sickening as well. Poachers just don’t care if they wipe them out or not. Conservatories in east Africa are doing all they can to save this species. Read more here.

I feel this article is jam packed with a lot of information for the reader to handle at one. If I were to write an article over these rhinos I would condense it a little more. I do not feel there is really anything wrong with this article though. It was very interesting and it makes you think about how much of an impact people have on wildlife. When it gets to the point that a species of rhino has to be protected by armed guards I think people need to work harder to stop poachers and inform the public more and more about this gruesome act of selfishness.

One thought on “Rare Rhinos Under 24-hour Armed Guard

  1. The length may be a reflection of this being a UK story. Some different traditions of journalism there. What bothers me most about rhino poachers is what the horns will be eventually be used for. It’s incredibly ignorant.

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