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Visual Ethnography

War Eagle Walk (Kinda)

Although I couldn’t find the exact trail I needed to find and the one I did find was sketchy. I still go some great shots of my exploration.

Memorial Day River Walk

On Memorial Day I decided to walk among the multiple little parks strung together in front of the river. After looking at all my photos I decided to instead use the phots that didn’t heavily rely on the river to be pretty.

Bacon Creek Walk.

Loved walking along the trail at bacon creek and paying attention to all the little details.

Sioux City Art Museum

Sioux City Museum

Bike Show

As I got done with some grocery shopping I wanted to swing by Kum and Go and get something to drink. When I came across a bike show!

Rail Road Museum

Morningside Day Parade

Top 5

For these photos, I decided to go to an iconic spot on campus the M. I first stood there turning around and seeing what was interesting around me. I noticed the plants surrounding the M, the different trees, and the man-made objects around me. I made sure to try not to photograph the same thing twice. These were some of my favorite.

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