Defying the Law for One’s Beliefs

One name has recently struck the headlines and made an impact in the media; that name is Kim Davis. Davis is a Kentucky county clerk who was jailed for defying a federal court order to issue marriage licenses, but against her Christian faith refused to do so for a same-sex couple.

According to Kim Davis, her Christian faith prohibited her from authorizing the marriage license to the same-sex couple, which in return landed her in jail for contempt of court. However, her lawyers are going to appeal the charges on the grounds that she has a right to due process–which may or may not have been violated. The 5th and 14th Amendments contain a “due process clause,” which states no one shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Due process is only one of many promises of protection the Bill of Rights gives citizens against the federal government, which is the court of law she is being charged against (Legal Dictionary, 2005).

Davis’s refusal to issue the marriage license has made her a hero among conservatives, who say laws protecting gays and legalizing same-sex marriage infringe on the rights of religious people who believe homosexuality is a sin. Same-sex marriage was legalized on June 26, 2015.

This is a noteworthy story in my opinion because it is something I saw coming. Religion is a huge part of our nation’s culture, as is marriage. I believe people will go to extreme ends to defy the law in order to protect their religious views. This article did a great job portraying the situation without being biased.

Link to article:


  1. fuglsang

    Give more emphasis to the news article, Tori, and a bit less to the incidents that inspired it. You provide a nice summary of events, but only a bit of discussion of the actual article and its newsworthiness.

    Consider the lead. Does it make you want to read? Does it provide the necessary facts for you to understand what is going on?

    The story itself is a fairly detailed description of the legal system and Davis’ legal arguments. Who is the audience?

  2. Tori

    Will do and yes, this is my News Comment #3. Thanks!

  3. fuglsang

    Remind me, in case I forget, that this could be News Comment 3.

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