Sep 21 2017

Profile Image of Reilly

Scavenger Hunt Failure

Posted at 11:25 AM under Assignments

The search went wrong because nobody wanted to talk. They just wanted to go to class or go somewhere else.

I walked around campus with my head cut off like a chicken for about twenty minutes.

It felt like a waste of time to me as a writer because I wanted to have a good story but came up with nothing.

I became very disappointed in myself as a journalist and started to think that I am going to be a lousy reporter in the future.

The students were in classes, and barely anyone was outside of the buildings. The students that I did see were ignoring everyone else around them.

The part that made it worse for me is that as I was trying to search for people to talk to, I started to get nervous and scared. What also didn’t help me is my anxiety problem coming back, and my blood pressure to go up.

So, I was not able to complete this assignment to the fullest abilities.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Scavenger Hunt Failure”

  1. fuglsangon 25 Sep 2017 at 9:51 PM 1

    Don’t let it defeat you, Reilly. This is not a sign. Keep the two items in mind as you go through the day and see if you can pick them up when you’re not on the clock.

  2. fuglsangon 26 Sep 2017 at 8:17 AM 2

    Other students had more luck with faculty and staff, Reilly. It might seem like students would be more receptive, but my impression is that we facuty have been conditioned to respond to student requests. It’s just part of our job.