Feature Story- First Draft

“I always dreamt of being a mom,” and a great mom she turned out to be. Kristi Waller is a mother, grandmother, wife, and a friend.  She works everyday but has time to make everyone in her family knows she is thinking of them and loves them.  She did not have the easiest childhood, but it made her a strong woman today.

Kristi grew up in a small rural town called Holstein, Iowa.  She went to nursing school in Iowa City and then returned home to marry the love of her life Steve Waller.  She met Steve in school and they fell in love and got married at the age of 21.  “He had the same values as me, family first,” was how Kristi described how she knew Steve was her one and only.

In their 35 years of marriage they have been blessed with four children and know three grandchildren. “My life revolves around my children and going to see them at any chance possible.”  Her family may be spread all over Iowa and Nebraska, but distance does not stop Kristi. “I make sure to see my grandchildren at least once a month.”

She learned her family values from her mother.  Eloise, Kristi’s mother, attached herself to her children after her husband died in a tragic farming accident.  The accident happened when Kristi was 11 years old.  Growing up without a father is a hard task for any child.

“I wish I had a male figure in my life when I was growing up,” says Kristi.  Eloise was a great mother to Kristi and her siblings, but something was always missing.  Eloise did not handle the loss well and relied on her children very much to fill the empty spaces in her life.  The family stuck together through every sad moment and every happy moment and became a stronger family unit because they knew Wendell would want them to be happy. “My mom tried her best to fill all the voids we had growing up without a father figure.”

Kristi knew she wanted a family when she was old enough.  “I wanted a large family, 13 kids, a family full of laugher and happiness.”  She had a hard life as a child and did not want her children to miss out on any things families should do together.  Stephanie, Kristi’s oldest daughter, says “My mother is a strong woman. She is so family-oriented and I hope to carry on her values into my own family.”

“My wife is the reason my family is so great.  She gave me four amazing children and I hope she knows how much we all love her,” says Steve.  Kristi works hard to make sure her family is happy.  She would not trade anything for family time because to her, “Family is first.”


  1. Lindsay’s avatar

    In their 35 years of marriage they have been blessed with four children and know three grandchildren.- change know to now. I would maybe discuss her father first, then describe about how happy her life is now. Don’t forget to include a picture! Overall, great job!:)

  2. Hannah Severson’s avatar

    I really like this! Just go through and reread it because some words are spelled wrong. But overall it is a great story.

  3. Caitlin’s avatar

    Good job! Like Lindsay said maybe put the part about her father farther up in the story and talk more about the hard times with her mom and how she had to overcome them.

  4. fuglsang’s avatar

    This needs some work, Natalie. Your mom sounds great, but the story doesn’t bring out what makes her an individual. The opening quote is an option, but you’ll have to do more explanation to explain why that was so important to Kristi. Maybe it connects to the other good quote: “I wish I had a male figure in my life when I was growing up.” It’s possible those two elements working together, along with losing her father at an early age, could be the center. You’ll also need to talk more to Steve to see how he perceives Kristi’s personality.

    Overall, you’re doing a lot of telling. Strive to SHOW through quotes and details.

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