Gift Card Fees

People find gift cards to be great gifts, but they aren’t realizing the hidden fees that could be coming with those gifts.  Money seems to be the best gift you can give.  Cards purchased from Visa or things like it have fees that can be charged right when purchasing.  Along with those, after a year they could possibly tack on a monthly fee for every month it isn’t used. The best thing to do is buy a gift card directly from the store, or go to a website that can give you a discount on the card you purchase.

Read the story here.

This is newsworthy because the holidays are coming up and people don’t like their money being messed with. People will want the most for their money, and don’t want to be hit with a fee they didn’t realize could happen.  I guarantee that many people think a Visa card would be better because it can be used anywhere, but they will be the one to get you in the end. Also, it is newsworthy because at the end it mentions a few websites that can give cash for practically a discounted price.  People will love to hear that news!

1 comment

  1. fuglsang’s avatar

    A good timely story, Natalie.

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